Climate Change Resilience
28 April 2015, Noumea, New Caledonia – Strengthened relations between the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) and the Government of New Caledonia were discussed at a meeting between the SPREP Director General Mr. David Sheppard and the President of New Caledonia, Hon. Philippe Germaine.

altL - R SPREP Director General Mr David Sheppard with Hon. President Philippe Germaine of New Caledonia

"SPREP is excited to work with New Caledonia to play a leadership role in the Pacific islands as New Caledonia is a leader in coral reef management and marine conservation in our region," said Mr. Sheppard.

"It has also indicated its leadership in environment cooperation with the sister site agreement between New Caledonia and the Cook Islands to coordinate efforts in the sustainable management of their marine areas which total 2.5 million km2 . We look forward to continuing work with New Caledonia."


The SPREP delegation are in Noumea, New Caledonia this week, attending the Oceania 21 Meeting which aims to strengthen the Pacific voice at the 21st Conference of the Parties to the UN Climate Convention at the end of this year.

New Caledonia was host of the SPREP Meeting and Pacific Environment Forum in 2012. Future work planned with New Caledonia includes support to develop a joint policy on climate change and disaster risk management.

The SPREP Youth Ambassador, Ms. Brianna Fruean was also part of the SPREP team to meet with President Germaine, more on this from a youth perspective can be read in Ms. Fruean's blog.

altL - R Mr. David Seppard, Ms. Brianna Fruean, Hon. President  Phillipe Germaine, New Caledonia

Tuesday 28 April, 2015 – Blog by Ms. Brianna Fruean, SPREP Youth Ambassador
"Wooden carvings, woven mats, little plants and a strong presence of New Caledonian culture was how Oceania 21 was kicked off today. It was a very full on day today from the welcoming ceremony to the full day discussions on cyclone Pam and how climate change and disasters are affecting Oceania. It was very sad to see the damage cyclone Pam made and its effects on our brothers and sisters of our neighbouring islands. The whole day was devoted to cyclone Pam and recent climate events what causes them and how to address them.
In the afternoon I had the great opportunity to meet the President of New Caledonia and he was such a lovely man who was very welcoming to me, Nanette and David. Normally when I meet country leaders and high government officials I get introduced to them as the youth representative and they look at me, smile and carry on talking to my seniors. To my surprise yesterday during the meeting Mr President asked to hear from me. Where I got to introduce myself, tell him about my experience with the youth in New Caledonia but most of all I got to thank him and his country for welcoming me and for their abundant hospitality. Youth was mentioned a few times throughout the day and it only makes me the all the more excited for the session on youth tomorrow. During the opening ceremony this morning it was said that "this land does not belong to us, we are simply managers" and yes we are just managers taking care of this land for our future generations and as a member of this future generation I look forward to the rest of Oceania 21 and seeing where we stand for COP 21 at the end of the year."