Climate Change Resilience
11 December 2014, Lima, Peru - Naming 2015 as the year for everyone to take action against climate change, the Republic of the Marshall Islands addressed the UN Climate Convention in Peru saying it is time that everyone was more honest in addressing the emissions shortfall.
Hon. Tony deBrum, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Marshall Islands addressing the UN Climate Convention in Lima, Peru

"What realistic and meaningful answer will the world provide?" asked the Hon. Tony deBrum, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Marshall Islands as he pointed out that despite recent breakthrough announcements from major emitters - the world is still way off track.

Lobbying to limit global warming below 1.5 degrees by 2100 to ensure the survival of island communities, the call for higher emission reduction  targets from the developed countries is made loud and clear by the Marshall Islands. 

"Continued silence, or rote recitation of Convention articles like a schoolchild - this is no answer at all. Every country in this room – and I mean every country – must play it´s part by reaching for the top end of national mitigation potential."

Next year heralds continued negotiations towards a new global climate change treaty to be finalised in Paris by the end of December, 2015.  It is the year that Minister deBrum has called upon everyone to take action, including their island atoll. 

The Marshall Islands is actively advancing even more transformational technologies such as Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion, their strongest contribution to global deep decarbonsation.

"We anticipate tabling our own nationally determined contribution early next year to outline our post-2020 energy and emissions and we expect other island nations to join us."

"Our message to all of the major economies on delivering strong INDCs is – “if we can do it, so must you”.

"Our ambition knows no bounds."

The Hon. Tony deBrum, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Marshall Islands presented his statement at the High Level Segment of the 20th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC COP20).  To read the full statement please visit: