Climate Change Resilience
5 July 2013, Nadi, Fiji - The Pacific Climate Change Portal (PCCP) is a hub of information created to strengthen understanding of Climate Change issues.

It was highlighted last evening, at the Tanoa Hotel in Fiji by the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme and related institutions.

According to SPREPs' Director General, David Sheppard, the value of the portal is trying to simplify, collect the right information from and to the right people, put it in the right format and in a right time frame.

Sheppard encouraged all institutions that are involved in climate change to get more involved and provide information to the portal.

He said that they should look at how they can make the portal a real success for the region, to help access the information in the Pacific Island Countries.

The portal was approved after Pacific Climate Change Roundtable and SPREP meetings were held in 2009 and 2011 with the aim of improving and raising communication and collaboration and to ensure that information is readily accessible in a coordinated and user-friendly manner.

pccp thumb copy

A few of the features of the portal include an Events Calendar, Experts Directory, Image Library, Documents and the Pacific Climate Change Projects Database that is still being developed.

The Regional and International Issue Advisor for the Pacific Islands Forum Coral Pasisi says that their objective is to support the function.

She says that one of the issues that they see in the region – is that, "Information can often be seen as power and people like to hold on to it sometimes and not share it."

Pasisi and SPREP's Director General acknowledged the support of partners that have contributed to the success of the portal such as the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat, GIZ, and many others.