Island and Ocean Ecosystems

By Samisoni Pareti, Group Editor-in-Chief, Islands business magazine

3 September, 2014, Apia, Samoa - Launching their framework for Nature Conservation and Protected Areas (NCAPA) in the Pacific Islands Region on Wednesday night in Apia where Samoa is hosting the 3rd United Nations Conference on Small Island Developing States, Pacific SIDS have issued a challenge to the rest of the world to follow suit.

"The Framework and its supporting mechanism, the Pacific Islands Roundtable for Nature Conservation, represents an outstanding example of the kind of partnership platform that is being promoted at the 3rd SIDS Conference," says Hon. Tony De Brum, Foreign Affairs Minister for the Republic of the Marshall Islands.

"Once again, the Pacific islands region is showing the world what can be done. The regional framework is one of the major outcomes of the 9th Pacific Islands Conference on Nature Conservation and Protected Areas held in Suva, Fiji in December 2013. The other major outcome was the 10 high level key actions agreed by government leaders, development organisations and partners – actions which I urge all Pacific island countries and territories to implement."

On hand to congratulate the Pacific SIDS for the launch of the framework for NCAPA was the Executive Secretary of the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity Dr. Braulio Ferreira de Souza Dias who is in Apia to attend the 3rd UN SIDS. He commended the Pacific Islands for the launch of their framework, noting that it is aligned to the international Cpnvention on Biological Diversity.

Dr. Braulio Ferreira de Souza Dias, CBD Executive Secretary

"This is a very important instrument that bridges the gaps between local and global initiatives on CDB. You are the only region in the world that has accomplished this and to have adopted these strategies and the rest of the region will now have to follow suit. You are pioneers in this field and you ought to be congratulated."

In his supporting remarks, Mr David Sheppard, Director General of SPREP – the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme – said the launch of the framework NCAPA in the Pacific Islands Region demonstrated real partnership in action.

"Partnership is essential for conservation. The need for this Framework in the Pacific is needed like never before because despite the vastness of the size of the Pacific Ocean, as big as the size of the moon with only 2 per cent being land, the rest water, the Pacific is incredibly coming under intense threat.

"Climate change is not abstract for us in the Pacific, it's real. Invasive alien species are real as well. The time for action is now. This framework is our platform for action. This is just not talking, but this is walking the talk," adds DG Sheppard.

Mr Taholo Kami, International Union for the Conservation of Nature's Oceania Director and current chair of the Pacific Islands Roundtable for Nature Conservation issued a challenge to the rest of the regions of the world to follow the Pacific's leadership in the area of nature conservation and protected areas.

He said Pacific leaders have adopted the framework on NCAPA for the sake of the future of their people and promises that by 2020, the Pacific would be able to meet its commitments as specified under the world's CBD.
Launch4Mr. Luke Daunivalu, Deputy Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Goverment of Fiji

Fiji is the current chair of the 9th Pacific Islands Conference on Nature Conservation and Protected Areas, Mr Luke Daunivalu, the deputy secretary for Foreign Affairs in the Government of Fiji said his country is proud to have participated in the formulation and adopting of the framework of NCAPA in the Pacific Islands Region.

"As the conference chair for the next five years, the Fijian Government would like all members to encourage regional and international partners to support the implementation of the action strategy at national and local level and also encourage the development of new partnerships to implement the framework."

The Launch of the Framework for Nature Conservation and Protected Areas in the Pacific Islands region 2014 - 2020: A partnership platform took place at the SPREP Headquarters on Wednesday, 3 September.