Island and Ocean Ecosystems
18 August 2014, Nadi, Fiji - 'Wetlands for our Future' is the theme underpinning a gathering of conservationists this week who have come together to strengthen wetland conservation in the Pacific and prepare a path ahead leading to the 12th Conference of the Parties to the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of International Importance in Uruguay in June next year.

Currently eight members of the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) are contracting parties to this convention: Australia, Fiji, Marshall Islands, New Zealand, Kiribati, Palau, Papua New Guinea and Samoa.

"The theme, Wetlands for our Future, underlines the vital role that Pacific wetlands play in sustaining our livelihoods and unique island biodiversity," said SPREP Director-General, Mr. David Sheppard, in a statement delivered on his behalf.

He particularly highlighted the role of wetlands in providing vital ecosystem services, such as clean water, which are essential for the well being of Pacific peoples and for economic development in the region.

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The Sixth Oceania Regional Meeting will discuss the new Ramsar Strategic Plan, which will which set the framework for future action for the Ramsar Convention and for the world's wetlands from 2016. This new strategic plan is a key focus for the 12th Conference of the Parties to the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of International Importance. Implementation of the Regional Wetlands Action Plan for the Pacific Islands 2011 - 2013 will also be assessed and discussions on the priority focus areas of the new plan will take place.

"We need your views on priorities that are needed to actively steer the focus and direction of this Plan, which will guide future work on the Ramsar Convention in our region," said Mr Sheppard.

The 6th Oceania Regional Preparatory Meeting for the 12th Conference of the Contracting Parties to the Convention on Wetlands is held from 18 - 20 August in Nadi, Fiji.

Participants attending the conference represent Australia, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, New Zealand, Samoa, Palau and Papua New Guinea. Partners attending the conference are: Wildlife Consevation Society, Nature Fiji, WWF Pacific, Birdlife Pacific, Fiji Locally Managed Marine Areas (FLMMA).

This meeting is coordinated by SPREP in partnership with the Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention and with funding assistance from the Government of Australia.

For more information please contact: Vainuupo Jungblut, Ramsar Officer Oceania at SPREP, [email protected]