Island and Ocean Ecosystems

26 September, Apia, Samoa, 24SM News - Enhancing support for the management and conservation of the Pacific Ocean is a key part of the 2014 agenda for the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP). 

Pacific Island leaders have consistently endorsed the Pacific Oceanscape, a regional vision for integrated and sustainable management of the Pacific Ocean and its marine resources. 

“We must work together to protect our ocean and its vital resources in the face of threats such as overfishing, unsustainable coastal development, sea level rise and ocean acidification,” said David Sheppard, Director-General of SPREP. 

“SPREP is committed to supporting the Pacific Oceanscape through a number of work areas, such as marine spatial planning; conservation of important marine ecosystems; development of national ocean policies; addressing marine pollution; and coastal management activities using Ecosystem based Adaptation approaches." 

Initially conceived by H.E Anote Tong, President of Kiribati, in 2009, the Pacific Oceanscape has received increasing high-level support as the framework for management of the Pacific Islands region. 

It reflects the need for integrated management planning for the Pacific Ocean, including environment, fisheries, tourism, development and, most importantly, sustainable livelihoods for Pacific Island peoples. 

The Pacific Oceanscape has gained additional impetus with the installation of Tuiloma Neroni Slade, the Secretary-General of the Pacific Island Forum Secretariat, as the Ocean Commissioner in 2012.

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"This is a very important document for us in Kiribati," said Ms Nenenteiti Teariki Ruatu of the Ministry of Environment, Lands and Agricultural Development of Kiribati.

Reflecting the views of many countries represented at the annual SPREP meeting, she commented,

 “We look forward to seeing how the Oceanscape Framework is implemented on the ground and expect that it will assist in developing a common understanding and coordinated approach at both national and regional level to marine management.”

The Pacific Oceanscape Framework was on the agenda at the  24th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme in Apia, Samoa from 17 to 19 September, chaired by the Government of Nauru and brought together 24 of the 26 members of SPREP, including the newest member, the Government of the United Kingdom.

Former host and chair of the 2012 Annual SPREP Meeting was New Caledonia.