Climate Change Resilience
23 September, 2015, Apia, Samoa, 26SM Side Event Update -The Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) is working with the Griffith University, and three pilot countries, Fiji, Tonga and Vanuatu, to better enable climate change resilience and adaptation planning in the Pacific region by improving the ability of regional bodies and governments to discover, store, access and utilise climate change information and data.
iClim1Her Excellency Sue Langford, High Commissioner of Australia to Samoa with Professor Brendan Mackey

The Pacific iCLIM project seeks to build on the Pacific Climate Change Portal (PCCP) enabling regional and national stakeholders to easily discover, store, and access climate change information and data for the region. This will enable Pacific countries to more easily utilise this information into their resilience and adaptation planning activities. The project will also assist SPREP in coordinating climate change information and data management efforts throughout the Pacific.

By following key information management principles of effective data management, connecting data, data discoverability, and data reusability, the project will begin by conducting an e-infrastructure review and upgrade of the Pacific Climate Change Portal (PCCP). Other activities in the project include developing guidelines for regional information management protocols, developing climate change decision support tools software, information management training to key staff in the pilot countries, and producing awareness products.

Ms. Rebecca Brown with the iCLIM Barriers Report

Since the beginning of the project, a document has been produced to identify the barriers to climate change data and information management in the Pacific. Barriers identified at the regional and national levels include policy barriers, institutional barriers including a lack of champions or partnerships, operational and human resource barriers, and information and communication technology barriers. The document also outlines some recommendations for addressing these barriers in moving forward with the project.

Regional collaboration on the iCLIM and the PCCP project includes the Secretariat of the Pacific Community, University of the South Pacific, and the German development program GIZ. The iCLIM project started in March 2014 and is due for completion in June 2017, and is funded by the Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT).

Presenters: Ms.Solstice Middleby – DFAT Australia, Dr Netatua Pelesikoti – Director of the Climate Change Division of SPREP, Professor Brendan Mackey – Director, Griffith Climate Change Response Program of Griffith University, Ms. Rebecca Brown – Data Librarian, eResearch Data Services of Griffith University, Makelesi Gonelevu – Knowledge Management Officer of SPREP, Mr. Arve Solland – Software Developer, Griffith University
Partners: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade – Australian Government, Griffith University, SPREP