Climate Change Resilience
12 December 2014, Lima Peru - Approximately 85% of homes on the Solomon Islands are not connected to the power grid.  On their pathway to a low carbon society, this poses the opportunity to connect them to clean energy instead of routing them through high carbon emitting energy sources.

The Solomon Islands shared their pathway to a low carbon society at the UN Climate Convention in Peru, trying their best to be part of the global family to fight climate change.

The island nation is seeing the important challenges that climate change is bringing to the country, down to the effects it has on pockets of the tiny economies and societies across its land and waters.

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Dr. Melchior Mataki presenting on the Solomon Islands pathway to a low carbon society at the UN Climate Convention

"The benefits of shifting to a low carbon society are sufficient on their own to warrant the shift," presented Dr. Melchior Mataki, Permanent Secretary Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology of the Solomon Islands.

"Along with the lower gas emissions, in an island setting where there are obvious resource limitations, inefficiencies cannot be tolerated for long before entire collapses in our limited industries set in.  Also the we are a net important without any fossil fuel reserves.  We are fully dependent on imports for power generation and the transport sector.  The reduction in fuel imports will help decrease our trade deficit."

A proposal to design policy and a regulatory framework to facilitate the transition to green growth in the Solomon Islands has been developed.  It is also envisaged that a national action plan will be formed that will lead to the identification of mitigation projects and role of all relevant sectors.All these planned actions will be part of the Solomon Islands Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMA).

"Our national energy policy itself coupled with the national climate change policy and guided by the National Development Strategy provides an avenue for the country to move forward and participate in efforts for sustainable development," said Mr. Douglas Yee of the Climate Change Division.

The Solomon Islands has nominated its National Designated Entity for the Climate Technology Centre and Network, it is expected this will provide support and enhance the understanding of technology transfer for both adaptation and mitigation.

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Mr. Douglas Yee of the Climate Change Division.

"We will continue to participate in events that foster sustainable development, however as a nation of least developed country status, having now to deal with the additional burden brought about by climate change, it cannot stand fully on its own feet as yet and would for sometime need external support."

The Solomon Islands presented on a Low Carbon Society at a special side event during the 20th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Lima Peru.