General News
1 February, 2016, Apia, Samoa - A two day Strategic Planning workshop is underway for the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) to develop a new Strategic Plan. This will be submitted to Members for adoption at the annual SPREP meeting in September this year, and will come into force in 2017.
For now, the current SPREP Strategic Plan 2011-2015 will continue until the end of 2016.
The new Strategic Plan will act as the guiding document for the organisation that provides support to its 21 Pacific island member countries through a range of different activities and partnerships.
"The Secretariat will take the primary lead in developing the Strategic Plan through an inclusive consultative and participatory process with our members, partners and staff to help identify the key environment priorities in our Pacific islands region," said Mr. Kosi Latu, the Director-General of SPREP.
"We are starting with our team here at SPREP with an all staff activity followed by divisional planning that encompasses reviewing the results achieved and identifying the gaps over the past 6 years against the strategic goals and targets of the current Strategic Plan."
The 2011 – 2015 SPREP Strategic Plan underwent a midterm review by an independent team of consultants. The development of the new Strategic Plan will take the results of this into account as well as input from SPREP members and partners.
A range of workshops will be held over the course of this year as part of developing the new plan.
"As part of our planning we are assessing what worked well and what didn't, and in order to ensure our new Strategic Plan is successful for our Pacific islands we must work together – this development must be based on teamwork, our island region working together."
The two day Strategic Planning workshop for all staff at SPREP is followed by one day workshops for the different pillar teams within SPREP.
To access a copy of the 2011 – 2015 SPREP Strategic Plan
To access a copy of the Midterm review of the SPREP Strategic Plan
For further information on the development of the new SPREP Strategic Plan please contact Ms. Audrey Brown-Pereira at [email protected]
For now, the current SPREP Strategic Plan 2011-2015 will continue until the end of 2016.
The new Strategic Plan will act as the guiding document for the organisation that provides support to its 21 Pacific island member countries through a range of different activities and partnerships.
"The Secretariat will take the primary lead in developing the Strategic Plan through an inclusive consultative and participatory process with our members, partners and staff to help identify the key environment priorities in our Pacific islands region," said Mr. Kosi Latu, the Director-General of SPREP.
"We are starting with our team here at SPREP with an all staff activity followed by divisional planning that encompasses reviewing the results achieved and identifying the gaps over the past 6 years against the strategic goals and targets of the current Strategic Plan."
The 2011 – 2015 SPREP Strategic Plan underwent a midterm review by an independent team of consultants. The development of the new Strategic Plan will take the results of this into account as well as input from SPREP members and partners.
A range of workshops will be held over the course of this year as part of developing the new plan.
"As part of our planning we are assessing what worked well and what didn't, and in order to ensure our new Strategic Plan is successful for our Pacific islands we must work together – this development must be based on teamwork, our island region working together."
The two day Strategic Planning workshop for all staff at SPREP is followed by one day workshops for the different pillar teams within SPREP.
To access a copy of the 2011 – 2015 SPREP Strategic Plan
To access a copy of the Midterm review of the SPREP Strategic Plan
For further information on the development of the new SPREP Strategic Plan please contact Ms. Audrey Brown-Pereira at [email protected]