Stay Up To Date On Protected And Conserved Areas!
Island and Ocean Ecosystems

Stay Up To Date On Protected And Conserved Areas!

Stay up to date with the latest information on protected and conserved areas across the Pacific through the Pacific Islands Protected Areas Portal (PIPAP).

Protected and conserved areas are vital for keeping biodiversity intact and safeguarding essential ecosystem services for human well-being as well as supporting community livelihoods for the Pacific region.

When these areas are managed effectively, they safeguard our biodiversity and help us build resilience to climate change, ensure food security, maintain water quality and are a source of livelihoods and incomes for many of our communities. 

One popular feature of the PIPAP is its weekly newsletter that shares important community stories, including current activities, training opportunities and research on protected areas occurring in the Pacific.

“The work never ends in protected and conserved areas in the Pacific. Our communities, researchers, conservationists and local and national governments work in collaboration to maintain these areas and help preserve them for future generations,” said Mr Vainuupo Jungblut, Protected Areas Officer at the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP).

“Pacific countries are global leaders when it comes to establishing protected areas, and the PIPAP was developed to provide a stronger connection and exchange between a diverse range of practitioners and experts working with protected and conserved areas in order to support the hard work happening in our region.”

The PIPAP weekly newsletter is a dedicated online resource for protected areas information and is an integral feature of the PIPAP. It was first produced in 2016 with a few subscribers. Now the newsletter has over 600 subscribers from all around the world.

Popular features of the newsletter include National and Regional News, Funding and Training Opportunities, Job Vacancies and Tenders, as well as Tools and Research. This brings all the information to subscribers on all things protected and conserved areas as it is linked directly to the PIPAP and supplementary sources.

The weekly newsletter is compiled and disseminated by SPREP in its capacity as the BIOPAMA (an an initiative of the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Group of States financed by the European Union’s 11th European Development Fund) regional resource and data hub for the Pacific in its role to communicate news and conservation outcomes on regional conservation initiatives and projects.

In the Pacific, BIOPAMA is implemented by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) in partnership with SPREP and the European Commission Joint Research Centre (EC-JRC). This partnership has seen significant enhancements of the Pacific Islands Protected Area Portal (PIPAP), the region’s one-stop resource for protected area information.

To subscribe to the PIPAP weekly newsletter click this link and follow the instructions.

For more information on PIPAP, the newsletter, or the BIOPAMA regional resource and data hub, please contact Mr. Vainuupo Jungblut or visit the portal.