Island and Ocean Ecosystems
Turtle release 2 copy

It's been a long journey around Fiji for two green turtles released in December last year.

Christened Adi Laumei Madiba and Bulou ni Laucala, the green turtles were released on 7th December during a special ceremony at the end of the 9th Pacific Islands Conference on Nature Conservation and Protected Areas, to celebrate the work of the late Mr. Lui Bell and Mr. George Petro and share the messages of the conference.

Tagged with satellites, the latest data shows the migration path of these green turtles.

"Turtles move around a lot in search of suitable feeding, resting or nesting habitats and in doing so cross fishing, and in some cases political or jurisdictional boundaries," said Ms. Penina Solomona, SPREP's Convention on Migratory Species Officer.

"This emphasises the need for a collaborative approach to marine turtle protection given the migratory nature of these animals. It supports efforts by relevant authorities to engage other stakeholders and communities in activities and policies to conserve turtles and their habitats."

On this page we will continue to bring you updates on the journey of Adi Laumei Madiba and Bulou ni Laucala.

UPDATE: As of 14 January, 2014

Adi Laumei Madiba journeyed to Vanua Levu across the coast before circling Yadua and returning back to the other side of Viti Levu.
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Bulou ni Laucala circled Ovalau and remains there for the time being.

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UPDATE: As of 28 January, 2014

Adi Laumei Madiba and Bulou ni Laucala continue to explore Fiji waters 52 days after they were released from Suva. The turtles are moving through several traditional fishing grounds (i qoliqoli) and efforts are being made to create awareness about their migrations so as to ensure their continued safe passage.

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UPDATE: As of 22 February, 2014

At 79 days post-release, Bulou ne Laucala remains in the waters to the north-west of Ovalau.
71915 13 022414-4pcIt would appear as though Adi Laumei Madiba is starting to settle into the waters in the area of Naviti in the Yasawa Islands.
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We will continue to bring you updates on the journey of Adi Laumei Madiba and Bulou ni Laucala.

For more information on Marine Turtle Satellite Tracking.