Island and Ocean Ecosystems
WWF SPREP3Partnerships for a better Pacific - Conservation International, International Union for the Conservation of Nature, WWF-Pacific, Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

3 September 2014, Apia, Samoa -
Greater conservation outcomes for protecting Pacific islands biodiversity and building resilient communities are expected from an updated partnership forged between WWF-Pacific and the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP).

In renewing their long established collaboration, the two major environment bodies have agreed to pool resources and technical expertise to address the various environment challenges that face the region, including tackling climate change issues using the ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) approach.

Both WWF- Pacific and SPREP are currently working together, with UN Habitat, to support the implementation of EbA at Lami town, Fiji, with the aim to explore similar work in the region.

They will also collaborate on the monitoring and protection of turtle nesting sites and foraging grounds, conservation of sharks and other work on threatened and migratory species within the SPREP region.

Other areas of collaboration are the management and conservation of island, coastal and marine ecosystems, supporting each other to build knowledge of deep sea areas and habitats, and improving management of designated or proposed Ramsar wetland sites, and marine spatial planning.

WWF-Pacific Representative Kesaia Tabunakawai said the environment challenges of the Pacific demands such collaborative partnerships to deliver conservation impacts on scale.


"We have our own niches, strengths and expertise but working together allows us to synergise our efforts and adopt holistic approaches that can deliver greater impact and traction with communities that we engage," she said.

"Pacific islanders depend on their natural environment for their social and cultural wellbeing as well as for the growth of island economies and so it's clearly important natural resources are sustainably managed to continue to meet these needs."

The partnership supports the aim of the Regional Framework for Nature Conservation and Protected Areas in the Pacific Islands Region 2014 – 2020 as a partnership platform recognising the need for greater cooperation and coordination between the region's conservation partners.

The framework is aligned to the global 2020 Aichi Targets of the Convention on Biological Diversity which are the overarching targets of the National Biodiversity Strategic Actions Plans of the Pacific Island Countries, and their equivalent in Pacific Territories.

"The huge scope, challenges and opportunities in implementing the new Regional Framework requires all environmental organisations to work together to support Pacific Island Countries and Territories," said Mr. David Sheppard, Director-General of SPREP.

"Partnerships are also a key aspect of the SPREP Strategic Plan 2011-2015 to ensure that environmental strategic priorities are achieved and I welcome the partnership with WWF-Pacific."

The renewed agreement was recognised at the Launch of the Framework for Nature conservation and Protected Areas in the Pacific Islands region 2014 – 2020 on the edge of the Third International Conference of Small Island Developing States in Samoa.