Latest News

March 14, 2025
Biodiversity Conservation
14 March 2025, Apia, Samoa - A two-day interactive workshop hosted by Samoa’s Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE) in collaboration with Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research (MWLR) aimed to enhance the capacity and capability of agencies in Samoa to implement a Pacific Regional

Latest SPREP publications

Pacific Seabirds Survey and Monitoring Manual: tools to support seabird conservation across ecosystems in Oceania
Circular Economy Workshop: A Circular Approach to Waste Management in the Pacific - Creating Resources from Waste and Pollution , Port Vila, Vanuatu 30 September - 4 October 2024
Integrating gender equity, disability and social inclusion in nature-based solutions for climate adaptation. Principles, case studies and lessons learned.
Intégration de l'égalité des genres, du handicap et de l'inclusion sociale aux Solutions fondées sur la Nature pour l'adaptation au changement climatique. Principes, études de cas et enseignements tirés
Pacific Seabirds Survey and Monitoring Manual: tools to support seabird conservation across ecosystems in Oceania
Circular Economy Workshop: A Circular Approach to Waste Management in the Pacific - Creating Resources from Waste and Pollution , Port Vila, Vanuatu 30 September - 4 October 2024
Integrating gender equity, disability and social inclusion in nature-based solutions for climate adaptation. Principles, case studies and lessons learned.
Intégration de l'égalité des genres, du handicap et de l'inclusion sociale aux Solutions fondées sur la Nature pour l'adaptation au changement climatique. Principes, études de cas et enseignements tirés

Our Projects

In 2021, Pacific Leaders endorsed the Weather Ready Pacific Decadal Programme of Investment (WRP), which seeks to reduce the human and economic costs of severe weather, water and ocean events across Pacific Island communities, by strengthening national meteorological and hydrological organisation

Marine Spatial Plans developed for Fiji and Solomon Islands EEZs;
Integrated 'ridge to reef' management plans developed for coastal areas in Fiji and Vanuatu;
Endangered species by-catch assessed and extinction risk evaluated;

To address potential polluting wrecks which are mainly WWII Wrecks in FSM with funding support from Australia DFAT. The project will address a number of high priority wrecks in FSM, working closely with the Japan Mine Action Service (JMAS) who are already working on the wrecks removing oil.

1. NHMSs are operating and maintaining an enhanced set of
observation and data management infrastructure (including
for traditional knowledge) in line with global standards, and
are increasingly sharing related data;

The project will support SPREP to lead a regional initiative to ensure Pacific Island Countries are supported to develop their understanding, evidence base and priorities for addressing loss and damage arising from climate change impacts.

The project aims to strengthen the role of the PCCC through funding from the Government of Australia to further operationalize the PCCC's functions and leverage the support provided by existing partners.

SPREP has received funding from the Government of Australia through the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) to support the implementation of the project “Strengthening Pacific Leadership in International Climate Change Engagement”.

The proposed Action takes place within the framework of an existing Financing Agreement between the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States Secretariat (“OACPS Secretariat”) and the European Union (EU) for the implementation of the Intra-ACP Climate Services and Related Application

The primary aim and goal of this project is for SPREP to strengthen Pacific Island Countries in realizing their commitments towards the UNFCCC and COP21 Paris Agreement, by supporting country driven requests for NDC-related support, as well as training and capacity building on topics related to N

To support Pacific Small Island Developing States (PSIDS) to attend and have a strong presence and voice to drive ambitious climate action at COP28, COP29 and COP30.

The Pacific Biodiversity and Sustainable Land-Seascapes (Pacific BioScapes) Programme contributes to the sustainable development of Pacific SIDS by supporting and improving the management and sustainable use of marine and coastal resources.

The Promoting Pacific Island Nature-based Solutions (PPIN) project seeks to support the development of policy and legislation for Nature-based Solutions (NbS), build awareness and capacity, and strengthen regional cooperation amongst Pacific Islands Countries and Territories (PICTS) on NbS.

moana blue pacific
Moana Blue Pacific @COP27
2nd Pacific Islands Environment Leadership Awards
Inform E-Learning Course Registration
Virtual Library
Virtual Library
Webinar Series
SPREP Webinar Series
State of Environment and Conservation in the Pacific Islands
Pacific Climate Change Portal
Pacific Climate Change Centre
moana blue pacific
Moana Blue Pacific @COP27
2nd Pacific Islands Environment Leadership Awards
Inform E-Learning Course Registration
Virtual Library
Virtual Library
Webinar Series
SPREP Webinar Series
State of Environment and Conservation in the Pacific Islands
Pacific Climate Change Portal
Pacific Climate Change Centre