Island and Ocean Ecosystems
BEM SVS2SPREP Crew navigating on board the Gaualofa

The Gaualofa helped set the scene for a special celebration with a sail in Samoa waters for Mr. David Sheppard, who completes his term as the Director-General of the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) at the end of this year.

The Biodiversity and Ecosystem Management Division (BEM) of SPREP commemorated the six years of SPREP work and achievements of Mr. Sheppard by coordinating the memorable sail as "One Team", one of the slogans the SPREP staff work towards.

"We wanted to present our Director-General with a memorable gift, not only saying farewell to him but also celebrating his six years of accomplishments while with us at SPREP," said Mr. Stuart Chape, the Director of BEM.

"What better way to do that than be outdoors in our natural surroundings with people that we work with to help protect this beautiful environment during the Samoa National Environment Week."


Also present as part of the special event were the High Commissioners to Samoa from Australia and New Zealand, Ms. Sue Langford and Ms. Jackie Frizelle, and Mr. Kosi Latu, the incoming Director-General of SPREP.

SPREP has worked in partnership with Samoa Voyaging Society and the crew of the Gaualofa to help share environment messages since 2009, with cooperation in the areas of Marine Biodiversity and Protection, Marine Litter and How to be good Environmental Champions.

"We support the Gaualofa and the Samoa Voyaging Society as best we can; for example, last year SPREP provided $10,000 to assist the Gaualofa's participation in the World Parks Congress held in Sydney, Australia," said Mr. Sheppard.

"Being on board, helping to steer and just be part of this sailing voyage with part of our SPREP team and the Gaualofa Crew is an amazing and memorable gift. I am both touched and honoured to be given this opportunity."

A piece of the former beam used to connect the two hulls of the Gaualofa that had traveled over 30,000 nautical miles around the Pacific was presented to David Sheppard from BEM as a parting gift.


SPREP and the Samoa Voyaging Society and the crew of the Gaualofa will continue to work together with plans to partner on a special Pacific regional campaign to protect Whales.

"This was my first time to sail on Gaualofa," said Mr. Kosi Latu, "and we plan to continue the close relationship and cooperation in the future."

The sail took place on Wednesday, 4th of November 2015.