Climate Change Resilience
HLSM1Delegate representing the Government of Fiji addresses the room

'Red lines', ambitious mitigation targets and expectations from the global Climate Conference in Paris at the end of this year are part of the discussions of Pacific island Ministers and High Level Delegates starting today in Samoa.

The High Level Support Mechanism Meeting aims to help prepare Pacific island Ministers and senior officials as the world comes closer to signing off a global climate change agreement at the 21st Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC COP21).

"We have never had clearer "marching orders" from our Pacific island Leaders, in particular leaders have strongly called for the adoption in Paris of a Legally Binding Agreement with the strongest possible emissions reduction targets to keep global warming to below 1.5 degrees of pre-industrial levels," said Mr. David Sheppard, Director-General of the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment (SPREP).

"They have stated that 'Business as Usual' is not acceptable to Pacific island countries. The ball is now in your court – Ministers and Negotiators – to make this happen."

HLSM2Illustration featured in the "Facing the Climate" Exhibition by Swedish cartoonists

The three day gathering is preparing Pacific delegations for the negotiations in Paris by strengthening their capacity to effectively negotiate the positions of the Pacific islands and Small Islands Developing States.

Ministers and their Senior Officials will be provided with an assessment of the status of negotiations to date, help undertake specific detailed preparation for COP21 and to review the strategic approach to the negotiations for COP21 in Paris.

This is the third such annual event coordinated by SPREP in partnership with Climate Analytics as part of the High-Level Support Mechanism Project launched in 2013. The Project aims to increase the effectiveness of high-level political representatives and their advisors from Least Developed Countries and Small Island Developing States in the High Level segments of the international climate policy negotiations and other relevant high-level climate meetings.

This project is funded by the German Government Federal Ministry of Environment and Buildings (BMUB) and its International Climate Initiative.

"The next few weeks will be absolutely critical in protecting the vital interests of Small Island States both within the Paris Agreement in the longer term from climate change itself," said Mr. Damon Jones of Climate Analytics.

L - R Mr David Sheppard, Mr Kosi Latu both of SPREP and Mr Damon Jones of Climate Analytics

"Your presence and voice in Paris will be key for defending the interests of Pacific Small Island Developing States. We hope that this event will assist with your preparations and provide you with the knowledge and tools to make a difference. We stand ready to help you in Paris through SPREP and under the umbrella of the High Level Support Mechanism Project."

Ministers from the Cook Islands, Nauru, Kiribati and the Solomon Islands are participating in the three day event along with Senior Officials from the Cook Islands, Fiji, Marshall Islands, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tokelau, Tonga and Vanuatu.

SPREP, other regional agencies, and partners are working as "One Team" to support Pacific island countries to achieve the best possible outcome from COP 21 and as such Development Partners from the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat, Secretariat of the Pacific Community and the United Nations Development Program are also participating in the HLSM event this week.

The three day event from 4 to 6 November is coordinated by Climate Analytics in partnership with SPREP under the High Level Support Mechanism Project funded by the German Government Federal Ministry of Environment and Buildings (BMUB) and its International Climate Initiative.