Climate Change Resilience
Pacific Island countries were amongst the governments who met in Bonn, Germany last month (June 1 – 11th) , working on the current draft of the new climate change agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), to be adopted at the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP 21) in Paris, in December this year.

In February 2015, governments were able to agree on a draft text in Geneva, referred to as the Geneva text, which incorporated the positions of all Parties.   It was agreed that this text would form the basis for negotiation, on what should be included in the new ‘Paris Agreement’.
 IISD-Bonn-Germany-June2015Photo by IISD/ENB

In Bonn, countries carried out further work on this ‘Geneva text’, to try and shorten it where possible, by consolidating options and removing duplications.  At the conclusion of this 10 day session the Chairs were able to put together a slightly more streamlined document which will serve as additional input into the Paris agreement.
There will be two additional meetings  this year, as part of the UNFCCC COP 21 preparations (31 August to 4th September; and 19 – 23rd of October), with intent that by the time governments go to COP 21 in Paris (December 1 – 11th) the draft agreement will be almost ready for adoption by Ministers and Heads of State.

SPREP sent a team of three technical personnel to provide support to the Pacific delegates who were in Bonn.  This built upon the earlier preparatory meeting which SPREP coordinated in Apia in May, ahead of this UNFCCC negotiations session.

Issues covered by the Pacific in Bonn included:

·         Mitigation – with a focus on ensuring that mitigation targets are ambitious enough to ensure the long term viability of all Pacific nations.

·         Adaptation – ensuring that adequate support will be provided for Pacific Island countries to adapt to climate change.

·         Finance – ensuring that any new financial support will take into account the special circumstances of Pacific SIDS, noting the limited capacities to access these funds.

For more information on SPREP’s work towards COP 21, please contact Diane McFadzien ([email protected]).