General News
Sixteen year old Brianna Fruean has been announced today as the first ever Youth Ambassador for SPREP (Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme) at a special ceremony today that recognised her achievements to conserve our Pacific environment.

She is the first recipient under the SPREP Youth Ambassador programme that will further develop and strengthen the voice of young people in the Pacific on the key issues of the environment and climate change.

This reinforces SPREP's work to provide a platform for young Pacific people to have their say on the environment, which includes the Pacific Emerging Environment Leaders Network coordinated by the Secretariat.

PF BF DSL - R Ms. Pauline Fruean, Ms. Brianna Fruean, Mr. David Sheppard

"We are proud to award this role to Brianna who has shown immense passion and commitment for our environment, she has demonstrated leadership skills having empowered and inspired other Pacific youth," said Mr. David Sheppard, Director-General of SPREP.

"The SPREP Youth Ambassador programme re-affirms our belief in strengthening the voice of our Pacific youth - after all they will inherit the environment as the next generation. We believe they must have their say and have a clear and strong role, in striving for a sustainable Pacific environment."

The SPREP Ambassador Programme will roll out over the course of this year with further announcements to be made.
Ms. Fruean was the youngest recipient in the world of the 2015 Commonwealth Youth Awards this year, when she received the Climate Change and Environment Protection Award and was also the only recipient from the Pacific. This was a proud moment for SPREP staff who have watched Brianna continue to grow as a young environment leader since 2008.

BibiBrianna in 2009 being interviewed after a presentation to the Regional Climate Change and Media Training in Samoa

"It was when I had to attend the Pacific Climate Change Roundtable in Samoa in 2008 while waiting for my Mum that I first learnt about climate change," said Ms. Fruean at today's ceremony, accompanied by her Mother, a former employee of SPREP.

"Everything I have learnt about the environment – climate change, biodiversity, wetlands, mangroves and so on, it has all been from what I have read and learnt from SPREP, particularly from the Information Resource Centre here at the Secretariat. Of all my mentors, I would say that 90% of them have been from SPREP."

Some of Brianna's past achievements include participating in Regional Climate Change Media Training in 2009. She also presented at the first ever SPREP Pacific Environment Forum in 2011, and coordinated a walk for climate change as part of Samoa with SPREP staff. Brianna was also member of the Pacific Media Team that provided coverage of the Rio+20 Conference on Sustainable Development in Brazil in 2012.

"We acknowledge Brianna's parents and family for their support for her work and we wish Brianna all the best. We look forward to working with her as our very first SPREP Youth Ambassador, and we know we will see many positive outcomes from Brianna in her new and special role," Said Mr. Sheppard.

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