Island and Ocean Ecosystems
5 December 2013, Suva Fiji - Cook Islands Prime Minister Hon. Henry Puna addressed delegates at the 9th Pacific Islands Conference on Nature Conservation and Protected Areas in Suva, Fiji today. As a keynote speaker for the event he provided an overview of the successful nature conservation activities in the Cook Islands.

Cook Islands Prime Minister Hon. Henry Puna

He expressed the importance of political will to help drive the planning and implementation of conservation initiatives, but also stressed that onus is upon us as individuals.
"Action must come alive at the individual level through work and everyday living.

"At the country level our development policies should aim at promoting and inclusive green based economy which will strengthen human well-being, social equality and environment sustainability.

"This is why we need to urgently change our lifestyles to accomplish high human development within the carrying capacity of nature.
This is within our control."

The Pacific region have much to be celebrate in terms of its Nature Conservation work. Marine Parks and Protected Areas across countries and sub-regions have been established, World Heritage Sites have been established to protect our natural surroundings, actions have been under way to strengthen dying endemic species, Pacific regional declarations have been endorsed by Pacific leaders to protect our islands and their natural environment and the formation of the Pacific Island Roundtable for Nature Conservation an alliance of environment stakeholders that work together to strengthen nature conservation is a successful working body.

"Our examples of cooperation and initiatives to conserve, protect, and sustain, have made headlines everywhere.

"We are accomplishing a great deal in our part of the world but often times that goes unrecognised or downplayed in the broader spectrum of global concerns. And we should put that right and say something about it.

"We can lead by example no matter what our size, no matter how our political clout may be measured by others."

Prime Minister Puna ended his speech encouraging delegates to end the largest Pacific island gathering on Nature Conservation with an action oriented way forward and pledging his support.

Over 700 delegates from throughout the Pacific region have come together in Suva Fiji to develop a joint action strategy for Nature Conservation for the next five years.
" We need an action orientated way forward that will allow us to achieve what is best for our environment, for us and on our own terms.

"We need progressive actions in marine and ocean management; ridge to reef development management, climate change and minimising its impacts; revitalistion of native flora and fauna; elimination of invasive species; capacity building; sustainable financing and advocating for a change in mind-sets, attitudes, behaviours towards conservation that creates buy-in and ownership; I guarantee you as a Pacific Leader you will have my support."