Climate Change Resilience

12 February 2013 - The Pacific community owns and contributes to the Pacific Climate Change Portal, a 'one step' website that contains all Pacific information relating to climate change. Still in early stages, this website is being populated by the Pacific island countries and territories themselves to ensure the information it contains is relevant and up to date.

PCCP 20132012 PCCP training in the Southern Pacific

The Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) will be holding a sub-regional training in the Federated States of Micronesia in February to help equip climate change and information management staff from the Northern Pacific with skills to contribute to and utilise the information on the portal to contribute to national efforts in climate change.

The portal, which was launched at the annual meeting of SPREP members in September last year, is proving popular with the number of hits increasing each month. Its success will depend upon the Pacific community who has committed to update the portal with relevant and usable information.

"We commenced training for countries in the southern Pacific last year and this is a continuation of that in the northern region," said SPREP's Knowledge Management Officer, Makelesi Gonelevu.

"We teach those in country who will be managing the portal about how it works, how to contribute and the importance of developing national portals related to climate change."

"We'd really like to encourage our Pacific island countries and territories to share their information with others on the portal. We are looking at planned climate change events, any resources, local and international experts, multimedia content, committee and national climate change projects for the Projects database."

This information sharing platform will help coordinate activities in the region and potentially strengthen opportunities to learn from experiences.

The PCCP training will be held in Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia from 19 to 21 February. It is coordinated by SPREP with co-funding and support from the European Union funded SPC Global Climate Change Alliance – Pacific Small Island States Project and the Asia Pacific Adaptation Network, who provide support to countries on adaptation and knowledge management.

For more information please contact Ms. Makelesi Gonelevu, the Knowledge Management Officer at [email protected]