Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)
This document sets out the views of the SPREP Secretariat on tie Final Reoorts of the IRT. The Secreta'-at notes, with appreciation, the aositive comments from tie IRT -egard ng many aspects of the maroved aerformance of SPREP over the last 5 years. We De'ieve this reflects an enormous amount of work ay all SPREP staff, working cooperative y and effectively with SPREP Members and Partners over this pe-iod. This document is structured in two sections and outlines comments on the Executive Summary and Recommendations for: (a) the Second Independent Corporate Review of SPREP {pages 1-7); and (b) the Mid Term Review of the SPREP Strategic Plan 2011-2015 (pages 7-101
Technical report
VF 7366
PEIN Notes
Both online and print copies available.
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