
The 2017 Annual Report of the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) was officially released this week, after it was tabled at the inaugural SPREP Executive Board Meeting held in Apia, Samoa from 10 – 11 September 2018.

SPREP Director General, Mr Kosi Latu, presented the Annual report to the eight members of the executive board on the first day of the two-day meeting, which replaces the larger SPREP Meeting of Officials which will now be held biennially.

The Report, which is available in both English and French, highlights the projects and activities undertaken by SPREP and its Members and partners in the year 2017. It outlines the outcomes from the different programmes within SPREP, namely Climate Change Resilience, Environmental Monitoring and Governance, Island and Ocean Ecosystems, Waste Management and Pollution Control, Strategic Operations and Strategic Planning.

A few of the outcomes featured within the 2017 Annual Report include the COP23 in Bonn, Germany, the UN Ocean Conference in New York, and achievements made by SPREP island member countries, amongst other activities and projects implemented in partnership with development partners, donors and SPREP members.

The 2017 Annual Report English version can be accessed here, while the French version can be accessed here.