Earthscan Publications Ltd
Recycling - Fiji islands
Waste minimization - Fiji islands
Waste management - Recycling - Fiji Islands
The government of Fiji adopted a policy for sustain able social and environmental compatibility in its Strategic Development Plan 2007-2011 in 2006, which also recognizes the importance of appropriate waste management. As for the legal aspects, the Environmental Management Act 2005 was legislated in March 2005.The Environment Management (Waste Disposal and Recycling) Regulation 2007 which gives effect to the provisions of EMA 2005 was anacted on January 2008,. Also, the National Solid Waste Management Strategy and Action Plan 2008-2010 was launched in June 2008 with the aim of reducing environmental impact and waste through proper waste management. Department of Environment (DOE) has now adopted updating the National Solid Waste Management Strategy and Action Plan 2011-2014 in August
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