Royal Meteorological Society
Traditional knowledge - Pacific - Oceania
Traditional & contemporary forecast - Database - Pacific
Scientific research - Traditional knowledge - Oceania
Traditional local knowledge - Climate change - Adaptation
Climatic changes - Community knowledge - Traditional knowledge
Indigenous knowledge - Oceania
Samoa; Niue; Solomon Islands
Digital rights management - Environmental monitoring - Database management
Growinginterestintraditionalknowledge(TK),particularlyinrelationtothepredictionofweatherorclimate extremes, raises issues concerning the appropriate storage and management of the information collected. The Traditional Knowledge Database (TK Database) for the storage and use of TK associated with weather and climate prediction in the Paci c was designed with the following principles in mind: (1) preservation of the knowledge, maintaining cultural context wherever possible; (2) respect for intellectual property and cultural sensitivities around data sharing and use; (3) appropriate system design, accounting for ongoing costs of system maintenance and often intermittent Internet access; and (4) moving beyond data preservation to ensure continued use and growth of the TK.
VF 7933 [EL]
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