Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF)
Fisheries - Samoa - Upolu - Matautu Faleapuna
Fishery management - Samoa - Upolu - Matautu Faleapuna
Fishery policy - Samoa - Upolu - Matautu Faleapuna
Fishing in Samoa is very important because one of the ways to achieve food security, particularly in communities and rural areas. Many communities do not value the care of economy and the marine environment. Making and using such fishing non-time-or-now, there respirators, nets and hurry microfilm, and drugs that would ease and a lot of fish, but can cause serious harm to the marine environment and its economy. The implementation of projects on the gatifale, damaged several facilities fish and seafood, especially the millions of species of marine wildlife. The program of conservation of the marine environment, starting from the Office of Fisheries in the year 1995. The purpose of the program is to foster the economic development of the coastal areas, and protect the environment. The proceedings of the program, including the resolution and the construction of a Manuals. The Manual, which is imprinted on the strategies the Community Office Fisheries
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