Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF)
Fisheries – Samoa – Savaii - Sapini-i-Faga
Fishery management – Samoa – Savaii - Sapini-i-Faga
Fishery policy – Samoa – Savaii - Sapini-i-Faga
Fishing in Samoa is very important because one of the ways to achieve food security especially in villages and rural areas. In many communities, they do not take the Improved economic and environment hazards. Bringing the use of such fisheries modern-with mask, net / muster microfilm, and chemicals, poisons sharpen easily and more fish, but abused the environment of marine ecosystems. The implementation of sustainable development on the marine damage to many places and millions of species of marine wildlife. to preservation of the situation established by the Fisheries Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries a Program Management Environmental Hazard, and SLAs good fish and seafood, to help build a management entertainment villages and to preserve, manage and rationalizing the use of economic Coastal Biodiversity
Environment Report
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