Pacific Islands Species Forum
Islands species - Oceania
The inaugural Pacific Islands Species Forum (“Species Forum”) was held in Honiara, Solomon Islands in April 2012. It was jointly organized by IUCN and the Pacific Islands Round Table for Nature Conservation’s Species Working Group (PIRT Species Working Group). It provided the first opportunity for scientists, researchers, policy-makers, and conservation practitioners to come together, share their scientific knowledge and research relating specifically to species conservation and prioritize conservation actions in the Pacific. A set of recommendations for governments and organizations working on species conservation in the Pacific were made by participants. It was anticipated that these would contribute to national and regional planning, as well as understanding of the Convention on Biological Diversity Aichi Targets. One recommendation was that it should become a biennial event with the next Forum scheduled to take place in 2014. In addition, the hosting of the Species Forum would rotate every 2 years.
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