Chemical waste - Management - Kiribati
Waste management - Kiribati
The Kiribati Chemical and Waste Management Advice and Banaba Reconnaissance consultancy was undertaken from 15–29 July 2008. The consultancy was necessary due to several hazardous waste management issues identified on Tarawa and Banaba since 2005. Several of the hazardous waste management issues were identified during the clean up phase of the Persistent Organic Pollutants in Pacific Island Countries (POPs in PICs), through consultations between the GoK and the POPs in PICs Team. These issues were largely outside of the scope of the POPs in PICs Project and therefore could not be fully addressed. Also during the POPs in PICs clean up, the Ministry of Environment, Lands and Agricultural Development (MELAD) reported the existence of disused transformers on the island of Banaba. Due to the late stage of the identification of the transformers, the POPs in PICs team was not able to visit Banaba and assess the contamination status of the transformers
Management Plan
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