Pacific Islands Climate Change Cooperative (PICCC)
Climate change - Cooperation - Oceania
The Pacific Islands Climate Change Coopera6ve (PICCC) is dedicated to developing and funding science and decision tools to support climate change adapta6on strategies. In partnership with decision makers, natural and cultural resource managers, communi6es, and indigenous peoples, we strive to ensure the con6nued vitality of the Pacific Islands region’s biocultural heritage. The Pacific Islands are home to unique human and natural communi6es of global significance. From the Hawaiian Islands in the north to the Samoan Islands in the south to the Marianas Islands in the west, the region encompasses roughly 2,300 islands, over 6,500 miles of coastline, and more than 90% of the na6on’s coral reefs (13,000 mi2). Several dis6nct jurisdic6ons represen6ng a rich diversity of living cultures characterize the region: the State of Hawai‘i; the Territories of American Samoa and Guahan (Guam); the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands; and three independent affiliated na6ons ? the Republic of the Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, and the Republic of Palau
Climate Change Report
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