Climate change - Oceania
Within the context of an additional commitment of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) for the ongoing ACCPIR Project GTZ commissioned an appraisal mission in order to investigate the options for extending it regionally and thematically. The regional scope of the mission includes all independent member states of the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC). The thematic scope of the mission focused on climate change adaptation strategies for land- and marine based natural resources, adaptation options in the tourism sector and with regard to mitigation potentials to renewable energies as well as energy efficiency issues. Despite constraints in terms of time covering the whole South Pacific region, the regional institutional framework being under “reconstruction” and, the multitude of, hardly manageable donor initiatives in the field of climate change the team finally was confident that sufficient information was available to assess the climate change context of the region and to come up with a proposal which adds value to ongoing and planned climate change activities at the regional and national level.
Climate Change Report
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