Department of Environment and Conservation
Biosafety - Cartagena Protocol - Papua New Guinea
Relevant information to be made available to the BCH currently exists but has not been provided to the Biosafety Clearing House (BCH) for reasons that the Biosafety & Biotechnology Policy and Bill developed under auspices of the UNEP-GEF Project is still in draft form and is yet to be endorsed by Cabinet. As provided in the Biosafety and Biotechnology Bill, information types to be made available to the Biosafety Clearing House (BCH) includes for the Department of Environment & Conservation to be National Focal Point to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety and Competent National Authority (CNA). Although PNG has developed a National Biosafety Framework, it is still yet to develop a Biosafety Clearing House (BCH) although UNEP has provided initial funds for commencement of the add on-project. At the present time, the only information exists includes the CNA and National Focal Point. The National Executing Agency is now in the process of nomination an Emergency Contact Point to assist towards implementing the
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