Government of Niue
Climate change - Niue
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
Niue consists of a single uplifted coral atoll with a unique rugged coastline. It is situated in the Southwest Pacific Ocean within the Polynesian cultural zone. The population of Niue was 2.088 at the 1977 population census, and is a declining population due to outward migration. Niue lies on the edge of the southern tropical cyclone belt, and has two distinct seasons, a hot wet season from November to March and a cool dry season from April to November. The economy is largely dependent on overseas aid. with no realistic prospect of economic self-reliance. However, there is a modest export production mainly comprising of taro and coconuts to New Zealand. Agriculture, fisheries and forestry are at subsistence levels with current government policy focusing on tourisim and private sector development.
Environment Impact Assessment
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