United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Environment - South Pacific
UNEP Regional Seas reports and studies ; no.69
The South Pacific Regional Environment Programme groups 22 island countries and territories to deal with their common environmental problems. It is a joint programme of SPEC, SPC, UNEP and ESCAP, with a secretariat based at SPC and financial support from UNEP as part of its Regional Seas Programme. The first preparatory phase began in January 1980 with the preparation of country reports and expert reviews of important topics. These provided an indication of government priorities and of the state of the environment in the region, leading to the adoption of a Declaration and Action Plan at the Conference m the Human Environment in the South Pacific in Rarotonga in March 1982. Priority areas of the Action Plan concerning legal measures, radioactivity, hazardous waste dumping, toxic chemicals, a network of pollution control centres, research m marine and coastal problems, traditional environmental knowledge and management, and environmental information and training are now being actively implemented, and further projects are in preparation.
Environment Plan
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