Environment and Conservation Division
Biosafety issues - Oceania
Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) - Biological diversity effect
Living modified organisms (LMOs) - Studies and research
PEIN Date Created
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PEIN Notes
Contents: 1. SPREP Briefing paper for COP4. 2. Draft negotiating text for BSWG 6. 3. Note from the Secretariat - Cluster analysis for BSWG. 4. Note from the Secretariat - Development of a Legally Binding Instrument. 5. Note from the Secretariat - Report: meeting of the Extended Bureau of the Open Ended Ad Hoc Working Group on Biosafety Montreal 21-22 October 1998. 6. Note from the Secretariat - Overview and annotated draft negotiating text of the Protocol. 7. Report of the Fifth Meeting of the Open-Ended Ad Hoc Working Group on Biosafety. 8. Report of the Sixth Meeting of the BSWG. 9. Agreed text of a Protocol on Biosafety. 10. Proposed Interim Arrangements for the Intergovernmental Committee of the Protocol on Biosafety
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