Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)
Environmental policy - Kiribati
Environmental law - Kiribati
Conservation of natural resources - Kiribati
This review of environmental law is part of the South Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) National Environmental Management Strategy (NEMS) project to strengthen environmental management capabilities in Pacific developing countries. The NEMS project currently encompasses seven Pacific countries, including Kiribati. One component of the NEMS regional programme is to provide an inventory and an assessment of environmental laws and provisions which exist within a country's legal system to enable governments to assess the adequacy of "environmental" legislation and to set the pace for appropriate reforms. This review follows a similar format to those undertaken in other Pacific countries under both the NEMS project and the SPREP Regional Environment Technical Assistance (RETA) Programme.
Environment Impact Assessment
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PEIN Notes
"Report for the South Pacific Regional Environment Programme and the Republic of Kiribati produced as documentation in support of the Kiribati National Environmental Management Strategy (NEMS) with financial assistance from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)"
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