University of Michigan Zoology
Native species - Land snails - Caroline Islands
Indigenous species - Polynesian land snails - Oceania
Pacific Science, Vol.XX
During the Second World War I had occasion to visit briefly Mogmog Islet, Ulithi Atoll, Western Caroline Islands, and to collect the land snails reported herein. The collection was divided, and one part, including all specimens of several less abundant species, was sent to the late Dr. C. Montague Cooke, Jr. of the Bernice P. Bishop Museum. In unsorted "sweepings" he found a few species which I had over-looked. It was his intention to publish the data in a paper on comparative faunal studies of the Mid-Pacific Islands, but death intervened. Some years later I had the opportunity to study more carefully the set I retained, using the extensive collection and library at the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.
VF 2584 [EL]
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Article kept at Greg's collection
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