Guam Press
VF 2791
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PEIN Notes
Contents: 1. Is there such a thing as amphidromy? 2. Early life history of the arrow goby, Clevlandia ios (Jordan & Gilbert), Gobiidae. 3. Variation in age-at-recruitment can drive recruitment dynamics: the example of Sicydium spp. (Pisces: Gobiidae) in Dominica, West Indies (abstract). 4. Evolution and life history patterns in freshwater gobies. 5. Recruitment of goby postlarvae into Hakalau Stream, Hawaii Island. 6. The role of behavioural interactions of immature Hawaiian stream fishes (Pisces: Gobiodei) in population dispersal and distribution. 7. Food webs and feeding dynamics of coexisting native Hawaiian stream gobies. 8. Distributions and microhabitats of the amphidromous gobies in streams of Micronesia. 9. Metamorphosis in the cranium of postlarval Sicyopterus stimpsoni, an endemic Hawaiian stream goby. 10. Improbable colonists: Helminth parasites of freshwater fishes on an oceanic island. 11. Significance of unimpeded flows in limiting the transmission of parasites from exotics to Hawaiian stream fishes. 12. Acridoidea and related Orthoptera (grasshoppers) of Micronesia. 13. Demography and recruitment of selected trees in the limstrone forest of Guam in relation to introduced ungulates. 14. Description of a bridled white-eye nest on Rota. 15. End-plate spicules in Bohadschia marmorata (Jaeger) (Holothuroidea: Holothuriidae). 16. Notes on Printzina bossei (de Wildeman) Thompson et Wujek (Trentepohliaceae, Chrolophyta) from Malaysia. 17. Randall, a junior synonym of C. falco Randall
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