Department of Conservation (DOC)
New Zealand pigeon - Research
Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae
Department of conservation techical series No.15
The endemic kereru (Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae) (also known as kuku, kukupa or New Zealand pigeon, but henceforth referred to as kereru) and the Chatham Island subspecies, parea (Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae chathamensis), are the only extant representatives of the genus Hemiphaga. A programme has been set up to monitor kereru populations. The aim of this monitoring programme is to provide a clearer picture of medium- to long-term trends in kereru populations at key sites (e.g., mainland “island” management sites and their paired non-treatment sites), and to document the responses of kereru populations to management actions. This report sets out the requirements for monitoring kereru at key sites as part of a national programme. In addition, it is intended to be used as a practical guide for anyone (e.g., iwi, conservation groups, school groups) planning to initiate a kereru monitoring project. The most efficient way of detecting and interpreting kereru population trends is considered to be by undertaking 5-minute counts with distance estimates in conjunction with phenology monitoring and display flight monitoring. It is therefore recommended that others use these methods wherever possible. A section on other techniques is included to cover situations where 5-minute counts may not be practicable. Wherever possible, kereru monitoring should be integrated into existing Department of Conservation bird monitoring and management programmes, rather than requiring the initiation of new projects. Iwi, conservation groups and interested members of the public will be encouraged to participate in kereru monitoring and conservation management. Annual results from each site should be forwarded to the programme co-ordinator, who will review and collate the data, and prepare an annual report for distribution to all participants and interested parties. Explanation of the programme, relevant aspects of kereru ecology, and background information are provided in the main text. Descriptions of the actual methods are given in the appendices.
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