Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC)
Protected areas - Oceania - Pacific
Environment - Protection - Samoa
Parks and reserves - Management
Conservation of natural resources - Oceania - Congresses
Environmental conservation - Oceania - Congresses
Environmental policy - Oceania - Congresses
Protected areas - Oceania - Congresses
Biodiversity - Protection
Biological diversity - Management
Protected areas
Protected areas - Oceania
Protected areas - Management
Reserves - Oceania - Pacific
Country reviews, Vol.3
This Revlew Ls jn two parts. The flrst part, the general revtew, lncludes lnformatlon whlch ls readily avaitable (publlshed) al-ong wlth addltlonal infornatlon fomarded by the varlous State/Terrttory Governments speclfically for lnclusion in this report. The second part, infornatlon sheets on protlcted areas, lncludes examples of nature conservation reserves from each State and Territory. In the long term it is hoped that the dl-fferent State/Terrl-tory govefnments will contlnue to complle informatlon on thel-r protected areas. PARTI-GEMRALREPORT The flrst slx polnts of this rePort; Introductlon, Policy, Law, Parks and Reserves AdrnLnlstratlon, Addresses, and Llst of Protected Areas are covered by the appended Lnformatlon from the AustralLan National Parks and Wildltfe Slrvice (ANPI"IS) Oecasional Paper No. l0 Nature Conservatlon Reserves in Austral!.a (I984), [Wilson, J.L. (ed), 1984]. Additlonal lnformatlon has been listed under the varlous poLnts.
Meeting report
333.780995 SOU (Vol.3) [EL]
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