International Society for Reef Studies
Cell-specific density of symbolic dinoflagellates in tropical anthozans
Environment - Protection - Samoa
Submarine topography of Maldivian atolls suggest a sea level of 130 metres below present at the last glacial maximum
Water level and currents of tidal and infragravity periods at Tague Reef, St. Croix (USVI)
Coastal climate of nortwest Australia and comparisons with the Great Barrier Reef:1960 to 1992
Timing of larval release by Porites astreoides in the northern Florida Keys
Volume 17, Number 4
PEIN Date Created
PEIN Date Modified
PEIN Notes
This journal supplies a focal point for the hitherto scattered literature in this rapidly expanding field of reef studies, publishing analytical and theroretical papers on both modern and ancient reefs. It encourages the search for generalisations about reef structure and dymanics, and reflects the growing awareness among reef workers of the importance of experimentation, modeling, quanitification and applied sciencein reef studies. Papers published in the journal deal with population dynamics and community ecology of reef organisms, energy and nutrient flows, biogeochemical cycles, physiology of calcification, reef response to natural and anthropenic stress, behavioural ecology, sedimentology, diagensis, reef structre and morephology, evolutionary ecology of the reef biot, paleoceanography of coral reefs and coral islands and the science with underpins reef management.
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