South Pacific Commission
Progress on 1990-91 action items
Environment - Protection - Samoa
Preliminary stock assessment of South Pacific albacore using an age structured modelling approach
Longline catches (mt) of South Pacific albacore
Surface fishery catches (mt) of South Pacific albacore
Availability of data for the SPAR catch and effort database
Availability of data for the SPAR size frequency database
Fleet size for countries fishing South Pacific albacore during recent years
Albacore research commitments of SPAR member countries and organisations
Trend in longline fishing effort (number of hooks) for albacore in the South Pacific
Distribution of albacore catch by American trollers operating in the STCZ during the 1990-91 season; distribution of albacore catch by New Zealand trollers operating in New Zealand waters during the 1990-91 season
Size frequency distribution of albacore caught by longline, troll and driftnet fisheries in 1989
Trends in the annual average South Pacific albacore CPUE (all latitudes) for Korean and Taiwanese longliners based in Pago Pago, American Samoa, 1963-1990; U.S. South Pacific albacore troll fishery (CPUE) during the core season (January-March) for the index area (35-45 degrees S and 135-165 degrees W) and all areas
U.S. South Pacific albacore troll fishery length frequency histograms, 1986-1991
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