U.S Department Of Commerce
How To Preserve Freshness In Tunas, Part 2
Environment - Protection - Samoa
VF 41240
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Method of Processing Tuna On Board The Fishing Vessel, The TY-Type Processing Method,Sketch Of Tuna, Processing Tuna On " Ice Storage Vessels", The Importance Of Precooling Fish, The Method Of USing The Precooling Tank, Method Of Fish Preservation On Small Vessels That Make Short Fishing Trips, Method Of Fishing Preservation On Inshore Tuna Fishing (e.g surfaceTrolling, Pole And Line, And Payao Fishing) Fish Preservation On Purse Seine Vessels, Why Does Discoloration Occur In Tuna Meat?, Postmortem ( Rigor Mortis) Heat, Method Of Storing Tuna On Ice Vessels, Swordfish And Striped Marlin, When Ice Leaves Clear Marks On The Surface Of The Fish, Sharks And Other Miscellaneous ( Inferior Quality) Fishes, The Temperature Of The Fishhold, Comparison Between Storage In Ice ( Crushed Ice) and Storage ( Total Immerion) In Iced Water, Mehtods Of Handling And Storing Tuna On Freezer Vessels, Methods Of Treating Large Catches Of Fishes,
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