The demand for live reef fish; import destinations in Asia; mobility and economic viability; fish mortality rates
Environment - Protection - Samoa
VF 41172
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PEIN Notes
Contents: 1. preface, 3. acknowledgments, 4. executive summary, 7. introduction, 11. history of the Hong Kong live reef fishery, 14. the Asian live fish market, 14. The demand for live reef fish, 15. import destinations in Asia, 17. fishing company field operations, 17. mobility and economic viability, 18. fish mortality rates, 19. divers, 21. impacts on fishing communities, 21. human health risks, 22. social impacts, 23. bycatch, 25. cyanide, 25. sources of cyanide, 25. the effects of cyanide on marine life, 26. effects of cyanide on aquaculture, 27. aquaculture, 29. species targeted by the live reef fish trade, 29. humphead wrasse, 29. groupers, 29. stonefish, 30. rock lobsters, 31. country profiles, 31. source countries, 49. major importing countries, 67. the goal: sustainable fisheries, 67. meeting the demand without destroying the supply, 69. opportunities for the Pacific Islands, 75. general recommendations, 79. key references, 80. Addendum: the spread of live marine food fisheries beyond coral reef regions, 81. Appendix A: live reef fish names
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