U.S. Pacific Sea Turtle Recovery Team
Stop the direct harvest of green sea turtles and eggs, through education and law enforcement actions; eliminate the thrreat of fibropapillomas to green turtle populations; reduce incidental harvest of green turtles by commercial and artisanal fisheries; determine population size and status through regular nesting beach and in water censuses
Environment - Protection - Samoa
VF 41132
PEIN Date Created
PEIN Date Modified
PEIN Notes
Contents: iv. preface, vi. acknowledgements, vii. list of abbreviations, viii. executive summary, 1. introduction, 1. giographic scope, 2. historical and cultural background, 3. taxonomy, 3. description, 4. population distribution and size, 4. nesting grounds, 5. west coast U.S.A, 5. Hawaii, 5. American Samoa, 5. Guam, 5. Republic of palau, 6. commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI), 6. Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI), 6. federated states of Micronesia (FSM), 6. unincorporated U.S. island territories, 6. insular and pelagic range, 7. west coast U.S.A, 7. Hawaii, 7. American Samoa, 8. Guam, 8. Republic of Palau, 8. Commonwealth of northern Mariana Islands, 8. Republic of the Marshall Islands, 8. Republic of the Marshall Islands, 8. federated states of Micronesia, 8. Unincorporated U.S. Island Territories, 9. F. Status, 9. G. biological characteristics, 10. migration and movements, 11. foraging biology and diet, 12. growth, 13. reporduction, 14. offshore behavior, 15. health status, 15. H. threats, 16. pacific synopsis, 17. regional summaries, 17. Hawaii, 18. Guam, 18. CNMI, 19. American Samoa, 19. Republic of Palau, 20. Federated states of Micronesia(FSM), 21. republic of the Marshall Islands(RMI), 21. unincorporated islands, 24. general threat information, 24. nesting environment, 24. directed take, 26. increased human presence, 26. coastal construction, 27. nest predation, 28. beach erosion, 29. artificial lighting, 30. beach mining, 31. vehicular driving on bveaches, 32. exotic vegetation, 32. beach cleaning, 32. beach replenishment, 32. marine environment, 32. directed take, 33. natural disasters, 34. disease/parasites, 36. environmental contaminants, 37. debris (entanglement/ingestion), 38. fisheries (incidental take), 39. predation, 39. boat collisions, 39. marina/dock development, 40. dredging, 41. dynamite "fishing", 41. oil exploration/development, 41. power plant entrapment, 41. construction blasting, 42. conservation accomplishments, 50. recovery, 50. recovery objectives, 50. step down outline and narrative for recovery, 67. references cited, 76. recovery tasks schedule
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