The overwhelming majority of Atlantic marlin are killed as incidental catch(bycatch) by longline fleets from other countries, particularly Taiwan, Korea, Gabon, and Japan, targeting tuna and swordfish
Environment - Protection - Samoa
VF 41124
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PEIN Notes
A historic step, the binding measure requires, what brought about agreement on this delicate issue?, the reality, the real goal, a failure to comply, TBF will always remain the billfish leader in the U.S domestic process, Western fishboat owners associations, membership and director re-apportionment, meeting schedule, north Pacific final, American fishermen's research foundation, legislation, license fee, HMS report, the South Pacific Discussion, the flournoy trip, understanding the precautionary approach, premises of the approach, lack of an operational definition, not an easy approach to accent, in fully utilized fisheries, inover utilized fisheries
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