U.S Department fo commerce, National oceanic and atmospheric administration national marine fisheries service
Bathymetric data which are probably still incomplete for the offshore areas but which allow us to locate numerous seamounts; Detailed statistical data ont he tuna fishery which allow us to know the species composition and the sizes of tunas caught near seamounts; Results of a program of tagging with conventional and sonic tags, that was carried out on a seamount in 1981; Information acquired on seamounts of other geographical areas, particularly the Pacific Ocean
Environment - Protection - Samoa
VF 41115
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PEIN Notes
Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Bathymetric Data, Detailed statistical data on the Tuna Fishery, Size Samples, Results of conventional and sonic tagging, results the seamounts, annual catches at each seamount, species composition of the catches, sizes caught, tagging results, conventional tagging, sonic tagging, discussion, the tuna seamount association, uncertainties about the positions of the seamounts, conclusions, prospects for research and exploitation, acknowledgments, literature citations
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