Confidence fo otolith ageing through thej juvenile stage for Atlantic menhaden, Description of the starving condition in summer flounder, Neustonic ichthyoplankton in the western Gulf of Alaska during spring, Aerial surveys for sea turtles in North Carolina inshore waters, Distribution, migration, and growth of juvenile chinook salmon off Oregon and Washington
Environment - Protection - Samoa
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Contents: 209. Ahrenholz, Dean W., Gary R. Fitzhugh, James A. Rice, Stephen W. Nixon, and Wilson C. Pritchard confidence of otolith ageing through the juvenile stage for Atlantic menhaden, Brevoortia tyrannus, 217. Bisbal, Gustavo A., and David A. Bengtson description of the starving condition in summer flounder, Paralichthys dentatus, early life history stages, 231. Doyle, Miriam J., William C. Rugen, and Richard D. Brodeur neustonic ichthyoplankton in the western Gulf of Alaska during spring, 254. Epperly, Sheryan P., Joanne Braun, and Alexander J. Chester Aerial surveys for sea turtles in North Carolina inshore waters, 262. Felley, James D., and Michael Vecchione assessing habitat use by nekton on the continental slope using archived videotapes from submersibles, 274. Fisher, Joseph P., and William G. Pearcy distribution, migration, and growth of juvenile chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, off Oregon and Washington, 290. Helser, Thomas E., and Daniel B. Hayes providing quantitative management advice from stock abundance indices based on research surveys, 299. Norton, Elizabeth C., and R. Bruce MacFarlane nutritional dynamics of reporduction in viviparous yellowtail rockfish, Sebastes flavidus, 308. Restrepo, Victor R., and Christopher M. Legault approximations for solving the catch equation when it involves a "plus group", 315. Rutherford, Edward S., and Edward D. Houde the influence of temperature on cohort-specific growth, survival, and recruitment of striped bass, Morone saxatilis, larvae in Chesapeake Bay, 333. Theilacker, Gail H., and Steven M. Porter condition of larval walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, in the western Gulf of Alaska assessed with histological and shrinkage indices, 345. Wade, Paul R. revised estimates of incidental kill of dolphins (Delphinidae) by the purse-seine tuna fishery in the eastern tropical Pacific, 1959-1972, 355. Yano, Kazunari, and Marilyn E. Dahlheim killer whale, Orcinus orca, depredation on longline catches of bottomfish in the southeastern Bering Sea and adjacent waters, 373. Zeldis, John R., Paul J. Grimes, and Jonathan K.V. Ingerson ascent rates vertical distribution, and a thermal history model of development of orange roughy, Hoplostethus atlanticus, eggs in the water column, Notes: 386.Carlson, H. Richard consistent yearly appearanfe of age-0 walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, at a coastal site in southeastern Alaska, 1973-1994, 391. Fenton, Gwen E., and Stephen A. Short radiometric analysis of blue grenadier, Macruronus novaezelandiae, otokith cores, 397. Garduno Argueta, Hector, and Jose A. Calderon Perez seasonal depth distribution of the crystal shrimp, Penaeus brevirostris (Crustacea: Decapoda, Penaeidae), and its possible relation to temperature and oxygen concentration off southern Sinaloa Mexico, 403. Hernandez-Garcia, Vincente the diet of the swordfish Xiphias gladius Linnaeus, 1758, in the central east Atlantic, with emphasis ont he role of cephalopods, 412. Kohler, Nancy E., John G. Casey, and Patricia A. Turner length weight relationships for 13 species of sharks from the western North Atlantic, 419. Pepin, Pierre an analysis of the length weight relationship of larval fish: limitations of the general allometric model
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