Fishing industry;Fisheries division; extension services; resource assessment and development;Tuan landings; Tuna processing and sales
Environment - Protection - Samoa
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PEIN Notes
Contents: 1. introduction, 3. the fishing industry, 3. the industrial tuna, 3. tuna landings, 3. pole and line vessels, 3. longline vessels, 3. pacific fishing company, 4. tuna processing and sales, 4. canned tuna, 4. fishmeal production, 4. the artisanal fishery, 5. production, 5. marketing, 6. the subsistence fishery, 6. aquaculture, 7. exports, 7. imports, 7. summary of local fish production, 9. the fisheries division, 9. administration, 9. personnel, 10. aid personnel, 10. training received, 10. finance;expenditure; revenue, 11. vessels, 11. vehicles, 11. buildings & plants, 12. technical/extension services, 12. boat building, 12. fdb loan assessment, 13. fishing gear sales, 13. ice production, 14. regulatory work, 15. training given, 15. extension services, 16. resource assessment and development, 16. collection of production data, 16. catch statistics, 16. fishery resource management, 17. coastal zone management, 17. Fad deployment, 18. deepwater snapper, 18. giant clam project, 19. seaweed culture, 19. macrobrachium culture, 19. porduction of major carps, 20. rural aquaculture programme, 20. product development, 21. baitfish project, 21. information and library services, 22. international linkages
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