Coordination of Guam's fish and wildlife programs; public informationa nd education of Guam's fish and wildlife restoration and endangered species programs; offshore and inshore fisheries survey
Environment - Protection - Samoa
Annual report
PEIN Date Created
PEIN Date Modified
PEIN Notes
Contents: I. Coordination and administration - project FW-3C-5(federal aid in sport fish and wildlife restoration acts), 1. Coordination of Guam's fish and wildlife programs, 4. public information and education of Guam's fish and wildlife restoration and endangered species programs, II. Guam fisheries investigations - project F-1R-5(federal aid in sport fish restoration act), 7. offshore fisheries survey, 15. inshore fisheries survey, 28. inshore aeerial survey (appendix 1), 31. kid's fishing derbies (appendix 2), 35. freshwater minitoring, 52. technical guidance to projects affecting Guam's fish resources, III. Guam fisheries development - project F-2-D(federal aid in sport fish restoration act), 55. marine fish habitat improvement and aggregating devices, 59. Merizo Pier and boat ramp facility, 60. development of inshore fishing access facilities, 62. restoration of masso reservoir, 63, fabrication and deployment of FADs and SWMs, Non federally funded projects. 75. commercial fisheries on Guam, IV. Guam wildlife investigation project W-1R-5(federal aid in wildlife restoration act), 77. determinaiton of current population size and distribution of Guam deer, 82. population size and distribution of wild pigs on Guam, 85. population numbers and distribution of Philippine turtle doves, 88. population size and distribution of blacik francolin on Guam, 91. population size and distribution of wild asiatic water buffalo on Guam, 95. survey and inventory of non game birds, 105. survey fo rMariana crows and their nest sites, 112. natural history, biology, and habitat protection for Marianas fruit bats, 118. roost site characteristics of Marianas fruit bats, 119. technical guidance to projects affecting Guam's wildlife resources, V. Guam endangered species investigation project E-1-12(section 6- endangered species act of 1973), 124. captive breeding of endangered native birds, 128. development of an experimental population of Guam rails in the commonwealth of the northern Mariana islands, 135. development and testing of control methods for enhancing reproduction affected endangered native forest birds and fruit bats
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