Cyclone - Harold - Damage - Oceania
Cyclone - Resilient - Construction - Vanuatu
Important - Decision-making - Houses - Better - Safer
Natural hazards comtinue their onslaught while the attention of the media, governments and public is cnetered on COVID-19. currently these disasters barely make it to the news, yet recent events such as Tropical cyclone Harold in Vanuatu on 6th April 2020 exact a heavy toll. Housing has been hardest hit in the cyclone with more than 10,000 people reportedto have lost their homes. What should be the best pathway for reconstruction in Vanuatu? There are some reports that people have already begun to rebuild their houses, but it is not certain whether cyclone-resilient construction is being followed. Which is why it is important at this point to make early decisions in this regard and to assess the technical and othe options to build back better and safer.
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