The Pacific Islands Conference on Nature Conservation and Protected Areas is the Pacific region's premier event shaping biodiversity conservation work in the region for the next 5 years. This year's conference line-up features nature conservation success stories from around the Pacific since the 8th conference in 2007, panel speakers and keynote speakers from leading organisations and initiatives, and 21 parallel sessions covering themes ranging from protected areas to access and benefit sharing in nature conservation, to innovative community-based initiatives blending traditional conservation measures with social marketing.
Discussions throughout the week-long conference will culminate in the development of a new Action Strategy for Nature Conservation, guiding conservation efforts in the Pacific for the next 5 years. The provisional Conference Agenda and draft Annotated Programme can be viewed here.
Registration for the conference opened on 1st March, and can be completed online here. Registering for the conference entitles each participant to:
- Admission to all open plenary and parallel sessions
- Admission to all open conference events, including the Welcome and Farewell receptions, Film Night, and the inaugural Pacific Environment Leadership Awards
- A conference pack including Conference Booklet, electronic copies of all conference resources, and other goodies!
The closing date for registrations has been extended to 31st October, 2013 so hurry and register to be a part of this important event for the Pacific region!
Watch this space to stay up-to-date with conference developments, or email conference organisers ([email protected]) and be added to the email contact list to receive regular updates.